The mission of Valor Academy is to provide a personalized Christian education that supports each student’s unique needs and abilities and fosters creativity, mastery, and excellence.
Our holistic approach to coming alongside the student AND the family gives parents the tools and support they need to ‘train up (their) child(ren) in the way they should go, so that when they are old, they will not depart from it’. – Proverbs 22:6

At Valor, our goal is to shape our students to grow “in every way unto Christ.” We operate on two main assumptions:
First, we believe in holistic education: social-emotional, academic, and spiritual. Education should encompass all that students need to learn to live successfully in this world.
Second, we believe that there is no “average” student. We create space for students to use their strengths and grow through their weaknesses. We differentiate curriculum and classrooms to support the uniqueness of each mind we encounter.

Individualized Education
One Size does NOT fit all
What to Expect at Valor Academy
Christ-centered Education
Daily Bible study emphasizing godly character in every sphere of life
Encouraged Development
Students activities and studies are not restrained by their grade level.
Family First
Our program is designed to make the most of the school day. Homework is assigned sparingly to support student autonomy in learning and family time at home.
Positive Atmosphere
We support student social and emotional development through positive communication in the classroom, and teaching skills to help them build relationships with one another.
Academic Excellence and Mastery
We match students to appropriate curriculum for their developmental level so they can be challenged and achieve success in the classroom
Consultation & Support
We work together with parents to support both students & their families through consultation and ongoing family collaboration
Small Class Sizes
Our average teacher to student ratio is 1:10 or fewer.
How To Get Started
Step 1.
Fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to schedule a phone consultation to determine if Valor Academy is a good fit for your child.
Step 2.
We believe education is a mutual partnership. A face to face interview and facility tour helps us establish rapport and comfort level.
Step 3.
We create a plan together which can include individualized curriculum, therapeutic techniques, and family consultation.