Valor Academy is pleased to offer Jr. High programs (Grades 6 through 8) in the Sheridan area. At Valor, we establish classroom groupings based on a number of criteria:
1. Student Personalities
We group students together based on personality, strengths, and weaknesses. As they work together, there is a sense of family within the classroom that helps students in their ability to overcome their challenges.
2. Curriculum
Not every curriculum is a good fit for each student. We consider individual student needs when determining the curriculum choices for each child.
3. Group vs. Individualized Teaching
Some students need individualized teaching. Other students can learn in a group. This is taken into account when we evaluate classroom designation.
4. Maturity and Leadership
We arrange classrooms to help facilitate growth, maturity, and leadership among our students. Students at higher grade levels help those in lower levels. In this way, everyone grows and develops skills.